Mig - Installation Instructions

Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Daniel M. Lowe
Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Boris Wachtmeister

All rights reserved.

License Information

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

The name of Daniel M. Lowe may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



Mig requires a web server which supports PHP. At least PHP 3.0.9 is required, or any version of PHP4. The development platform is Apple OSX, so the code tends to assume a unix-like environment. As such it may or may not work (and has not been tested by the author) on non-unix-like platforms. Mig has been tested with Apache (and reportedly it works with Microsoft’s IIS server).

Windows users, please see the section labeled “Running Mig Under Windows” below.


The mkGallery.pl is a separate utility that requires Perl. To generate thumbnail images, it also requires ImageMagick. Neither are required to use Mig itself.

The jhead utility which is called by mkGallery.pl for EXIF header parsing is a C source code file - it must be compiled before use. On most unix-like systems this is as easy as going into the jhead directory and typing “make” (GNU make is recommended).

Windows users can download the pre-built jhead program from Mathias Wandel’s site at https://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/

See the “utilities” document for more information about mkGallery.pl and jhead.

New Installation

Read this section if you are installing Mig for the first time. If you are upgrading, skip to the next section which deals with upgrading.

  1. Create a directory for Mig to live in, somewhere the web server can read the files and serve them as web pages.

  2. Copy the file index.php to the new Mig directory.

  3. Copy the file config.php.default to the new Mig directory and call it config.php. Any customization of Mig (except layout and colors) can be done by editing config.php.

  4. Create three subdirectories called images, templates and albums under the new Mig directory.

  5. Copy the images from the images subdirectory to your new images subdirectory.

  6. Copy the files image.html, folder.html and style.css from the templates subdirectory to the new templates subdirectory.

  7. Put image files (photos, etc.) into the albums subdirectory. You can make subdirectories to contain different categories of images, and those subdirectories can contain subdirectories, and so on. Mig doesn’t place any restriction on how many levels deep subdirectories go. Arrange the album any way you wish. The name of each album is the name of the directory, so keep that in mind. For example:


    Notice that I used an underline character in The_Zoo. Mig will display that as a space, so the album will be called The Zoo as far as visitors will know. This makes things simpler since some systems make using underlines in directory names unfriendly.

    The above example ends up being these eight gallery folders:

     People : Family
     People : Friends
     The Zoo
     The Zoo : Dolphins
     The Zoo : Bears
     The Zoo : Lions

    Mig supports JPEG, GIF and PNG images. So files with any of these extensions will be recognized as images:

     .gif .png .jpg .jpe .jpeg

    Files with these extensions are recognized as audio:

     .mp3 .wav .ra .ram

    File with these extensions are recognized as video:

     .mov .avi .mpg .mpeg .wmv .mp4
  8. Point your web browser to the newly-installed Mig and browse away!

  9. If you can run Perl scripts on the commandline on your server, and you have Perl and ImageMagick available, use mkGallery.pl to create thumbnail images. See the utilities document for more information on how.

    You should create a utilities subdirectory in your Mig installation and copy mkGallery.pl there, as well as jhead if you plan to use jhead. If Perl is somewhere other than /usr/bin/perl on your system you may need to modify the first line of mkGallery.pl to reflect the proper location of Perl.

    If you can’t run Perl scripts, you can make your own thumbnail images in whatever way is handy for you (an image editing program, for example). In each album folder, create a subdirectory called thumbs, and put thumbnail images inside. A thumbnail should have the same filename as the full-size image it represents.

    The thumbnail subdirectory is thumbs by default, but this can be customized (see the $thumbSubdir option in config.php).


If you are upgrading from a previous version of Mig, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the index.php file to the Mig directory. This should replace the index.php which was already there. If the existing file was called index.php3, then the new file should also be called index.php3.

  2. Starting with version 1.3.1, mig.cfg is now called config.php. If mig.cfg is present, rename it to config.php. The distribution comes with config.php.default, which is the new default config file. config.php.default is just an example. There is no need to copy it over to the Mig directory, but you might want to look it over to see if new settings are available which you’d want to use.

  3. Starting with version 1.3.2, the funcs.php and lang.php files are no longer used. If they are present, delete them. All code is now contained in index.php. Mig will not fail if funcs.php or lang.php are present, but it’s sloppy to leave them lying around.

  4. In version 1.3.5 a lot of changes to the layout system were made. As a result, anyone upgrading to 1.3.5 or later (from 1.3.4 or earlier) will want to use the new template files provided with the Mig distribution. If you have customized your template files, don’t fret - it should be easy for you to merge your customizations into the new template files (they’re not very different from the old template files). Make sure especially to use the new CSS file.

  5. If you wish to use mkGallery.pl, copy mkGallery.pl from the utilities directory to the utilities subdirectory of your Mig installation. You may need to modify the first line if Perl is somewhere other than /usr/bin/perl on your system. If you already have mkGallery.pl, check the changelog document to see if it’s been changed since you last installed it. You may want to copy a fresh version of it over your old copy.

  6. If you wish to use jhead (note that using the EXIF functions of mkGallery.pl implies using jhead), you may wish to compile a new copy of jhead if it’s a newer version than you’re using now (to find out when jhead was last updated, check the “changelog” document).

    If you want mkGallery.pl to be able to use jhead, put jhead in the utilities subdirectory of your Mig installation with mkGallery.pl.

    If you already have jhead, check the changelog document to see if it’s been upgraded since you last installed it. You may want to install a fresh version over your old copy.

  7. If you are upgrading to 1.4.0 from an earlier version, you should copy the movie.gif and music.gif icons from the images folder to your Mig installation’s images folder, if you plan to have any audio or video content on your site.

  8. Please be aware, that 1.5.0 has changed the templates, so that it can be customized better.

Running Mig Under Windows

Mig can run under Windows (so I’m told) as long as the web server supports PHP. The Windows version of PHP is available from https://www.php.net/

Mig is reported to work with IIS, Personal Web Server, and the Windows port of Apache. One user noted that a fairly recent version of PHP is needed for it to work, so if you’re having trouble, make sure you’re using the most recent release of PHP.

Another user reported that having a comma (,) in the directory name of any album would cause problems, so avoid using commas.

I’ve had reports that Windows text editors leave files without trailing end of line characters, which apparently confuses Mig. If you’re editing files in a Windows text editor (such as mig.cf files), you may want to leave one blank line at the end of the file, just so there’s at least one end of line character after the last “real” line.

If you want to see an example gallery (that is, install one on your system and examine the files that it contains), you can download one in the Download-Section. After downloading the file, unpack it in the albums-subdirectory, and it should appear as “Mig Example Gallery”.

Other people using Mig

You can see a list of sites using Mig at: https://mig.wcht.de/users.php

If you’d like to list your site there, you can find my email on that page too.

How much does Mig cost?

Mig is free. But I don’t object to getting postcards if you feel like telling me how much you like Mig. Postcards can be sent to:

Dan Lowe
P.O. Box 5725
Cleveland, OH  44095

Optional Customization

  1. HTML templates (and colors)

    Mig is template-based. Any change to layout or colors can be achieved by modifying the template files in the templates subdirectory. See the templates document for more information.

    A per-folder custom template can be used in any given folder. See the FolderTemplate section of the mig_cf document for more information.


    A comment can be attached to any image. Comments are stored in a file called mig.cf in the same directory as the image. See the mig_cf document for information about the format of mig.cf files.

    Comments are shown in a box below the image in image views. In thumbnail views, they are shown as the ALT tag text. (That behavior can be suppressed by setting $suppressAltTags to TRUE in config.php).

    As an example, let’s say you have files house.jpg, car.gif and dog.jpg. Let’s say you wanted a comment on the house and the dog, but nothing in particular to say about the car. Add this to mig.cf:

     <Comment "house.jpg">
     This is my house, which I bought in the fall of 1998.
     <Comment "dog.jpg">
     This is the dog we had when I was growing up.  She was a lot of
     fun!  Sadly, she died when I was 12 years old (she had cancer).
     We had other dogs afterward, but none of them were as much fun.

    (mkGallery.pl users, see the -c option which handles comments.)

    The description can be multiple lines, as long as it’s enclosed inside the <comment>…</comment> structure. Tags such as <comment> must be at the start of a new line.

    (If you want to use shorter comments for thumbnail hover-overs and leave your longer comments only on the image page itself, see the mig_cf document and read about <Short> tags).

  3. EXIF data

    Many images contain EXIF header data. mkGallery.pl can extract this data using jhead. See the utilities document for details.

    EXIF data generally contains information such as shutter speed, aperture, ISO rating, the original shooting date and time, and sometimes comments. Mig can read some, but not all, of this data. Future versions of Mig may understand more of the data than it currently does.

    By default, Mig only shows embedded comments. To show more, adjust the format string $exifFormatString found in config.php. There are examples in that file that explain how the formatting works.

    Note that most graphic editors destroy EXIF blocks! They don’t know how to write them so when they save images, they are simply not written back into the file.

  4. Item sorting

    Items can be sorted in a custom order if desired (rather than relying on the default alphabetical order). To do this define a <sort> block in mig.cf. See the mig_cf document for details.

  5. Languages other than English

    Mig has support for other languages - however, it only supports those languages someone has supplied translations for. If you want to translate it to another language, please get in touch with me, and I’ll be glad to add your translations to the available list of languages.

    See config.php.default for more information - Mig now supports English, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Finnish, Romanian, Russian (Windows-1251 and KOI8-R), Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, Dutch, Polish (including an ISO-8859-2 version), Estonian, Japanese (ISO-2022-JP), Traditional Chinese (big5) and Czech.

    It’s also possible to use multiple languages with Mig, although you must pick one to be the default language - that is the one you define in config.php in the $mig_language variable. To change the language, simply add the parameter mig_dl=LANG to a URL as a parameter. For example, take this URL:


    Assuming the default is something else, you can tell Mig to display it in Spanish by doing this:


    You can add links to your template files which switch languages on the fly using the template keyword newLang like this:

     <a href="%%newLang%%=es">Espanol</a>
     <a href="%%newLang%%=it">Italiano</a>
  6. Pop-up windows

    Pop-up windows can be used (see the $imagePopup option in config.php).

  7. Pagination of large galleries

    Sometimes a gallery gets so large, fitting all the thumbnails on one page becomes a problem (think of a gallery with 500 images). To resolve this, Mig paginates large galleries. By default, any gallery with more than 20 images will go into a paged mode (4 images across, in 5 rows).

    This can be controlled using two options in config.php: $maxThumbColumns and $maxThumbRows. Their names are self-explanatory. Set $maxThumbColumns to the maximum number of columns desired (how many thumbnails across from left to right in one row). Set $maxThumbRows to the maximum number of rows per page/screen. The defaults are 4 columns and 5 rows (for 20 images per page).

    Note that even with pagination, Mig still has to look over the entire directory (to sort it, decide what is on which page, etc.) and in really large directories, you’ll still run into problems. Mig may take a long time to run, etc. It’s best to keep directories down to more reasonable sizes (after all, that’s why directories were invented - organization).

  8. Using random thumbnails instead of folder icons

    Instead of using the generic folder icon for folder views, Mig can use a randomly selected thumbnail from the folder as the icon. To turn this behavior on, set $randomFolderThumbs to TRUE in config.php. (See also $folderNameLength and $useRealRandThumbs.)

    If the folder itself contains only other folders, and no images, Mig will traverse subdirectories until it finds a usable thumbnail to use as an icon. So the only time the generic icon will be used is in a situation where there is a folder that contains no thumbnails, whose subfolders and their subfolders, etc., contain no thumbnails. In other words, only a useless folder branch would result in the generic folder icon being shown.

  9. Using a specific thumbnail instead of a folder icon

    If you want to use thumbnails as icons, but would rather pick your own instead of letting Mig pick for you, check out the UseThumb option in mig.cf files. See the mig_cf document for more information.

Common problems

  1. Why aren’t there any thumbnails?

    You have to create thumbnails with mkGallery.pl. See the document on utilities. mkGallery.pl requires Perl and the “convert” program from ImageMagick.

    If you can’t do it that way, don’t despair - you can make your own thumbnails in any image editing program. Earlier in this document are instructions on how to name the files and where to put them.

  2. I am getting a bunch of errors in my browser!

    You (or your web server admin) probably have error_reporting set too high in the PHP configuration in your web server. Put this line near the top of index.php (but not before the “<?php” line at the top).

    error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);    // for PHP3 systems
    error_reporting (2039);                 // for PHP4 systems
  3. I’m getting thumbnails like image.jpg.0 or image.jpg.0.0. Why?

    I’m not exactly sure, but it appears to happen with certain versions of the convert program. If it is happening to you, try running mkGallery.pl using the -K flag and see if your images come out properly then.

  4. Some of my images and folders are not displayed

    From 1.5.0 a new way of handling file- and directorynames is used. Several non-ascii-letters are not allowed in the default configuration. If you want to use files with these names be sure that you add these letters to $imageFilenameRegexpr and $currDirNameRegexpr in your config.php.

Bug Reporting

To report a bug, just drop me a mail. See https://mig.wcht.de/ for the current address (it changes due to spam)

Email List

mig-announce is an announcements-only list. Generally speaking that means the only traffic it gets are announcements of new versions posted by the author.